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TrueInspire proudly serve as official contest centre for many nation and world wide competetions and contests, and our list is growing longer every year. Please contact us if you are interested in participation.

Math Kangaroo
The Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest (CMKC) is a not-for-profit organization which aims to spread the joy of mathematics. The contest's main purpose is to promote mathematical thinking and stimulate an interest in math, by providing students with an opportunity to compare their abilities against the abilities of other students, from different countries around the world. In the past several years, the geography of the participating countries has been extended outside Europe, to USA, Paraguay, Mexico, Canada, etc. Over six million students and hundreds of mathematicians from over 70 countries played the game, world-wide.

Math League
Math League Contests give students an educationally enriching opportunity to participate in an academically-oriented activity and to gain recognition for mathematical achievement. Our main goal is educational: we promote enjoyment and study of mathematics by organizing contests for grades 4-12. Our contests help to enrich mathematics programs. Each contest covers topics appropriate to the contest grade level.

Waterloo Gauss Contest
The Gauss Contests are an opportunity for students to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem solving ability. All students in Grades 7 and 8 and interested students from lower grades can participate. Questions are based on curriculum common to all Canadian provinces. We emphasize participation but also recognize top-performing students.

Waterloo Beaver Computing Challenge
The BCC is a problem solving contest with a focus on computational and logical thinking. Questions are inspired by topics in computer science but only require comfort with concepts found in mathematics curriculum common to all provinces. Connections to Computer Science are described in the solutions to all past contests.

Waterloo Canadian Computing Competition
The Canadian Computing Competition (CCC) is a fun challenge for secondary school students with an interest in programming. It is an opportunity for students to test their ability in designing, understanding and implementing algorithms.